

Cambia is committed to ensuring we have the right suppliers in place to meet Cambia’s needs as a total health solutions company, and we hold our partners to the same standards of business ethics as we do our employees. Whether you are a current Cambia supplier or hoping to do business with our company, please review the following information to better understand our requirements.

General Policies & Guidelines

Hiring of Suppliers: Cambia chooses to partner with suppliers that best serve our needs in terms of quality, service and price, without regard to any personal relationships or personal interests. We treat suppliers honestly, fairly and courteously, without sharing information provided by one supplier with another supplier. All the facts are weighed impartially and objectively when selecting competing suppliers, regardless of the size of the service or order.

Supplier Diversity: Cambia promotes opportunities for Small Businesses, Woman-Owned Businesses, Minority-Owned Businesses, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses and Veteran-Owned Businesses, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender-Owned Businesses and other disadvantaged suppliers through Cambia’s Supplier Diversity Program. Cambia is committed to increasing procurement opportunities with diverse suppliers as part of our fair and open sourcing process. Our Strategic Sourcing team provides our internal business partners with diverse suppliers for consideration. All employees involved in the selection, evaluation or approval of suppliers share responsibility for supporting this policy. Cambia believes that utilizing the quality, talents and innovation of diverse suppliers, who are also a reflection of the communities we serve, will positively contribute to our competitiveness. We encourage you to register your company on the Supplier IO Diversity Registration. It’s simple and free. 

Contracting: Cambia Strategic Sourcing is authorized to manage supplier communications, facilitating contracts for goods and services needed by Cambia. All consultants, contractors and other professional-services suppliers may begin work only after a signed contract is in place.

Confidentiality, Data Use and Access: Cambia has a responsibility to protect the confidentiality of any data entrusted to it by its members, employees, suppliers, and customers. Before sharing proprietary or confidential information, suppliers must execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Data may include PHI or other proprietary and confidential information. Suppliers whose products or services involve PHI may be considered business associates and must execute a Business Associate Agreement in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Suppliers will limit its access, both technically and operationally, to Cambia data as solely necessary to perform the Services specified in the Agreement.

Legal & Compliance:  Suppliers must abide by all federal, state and regional regulations that apply to their working relationship with Cambia and associated contractual agreements. This includes, to the extent applicable, laws such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and federal 42 CFR Part 2 Substance Use Disorder restrictions. For suppliers supporting our government programs, this may include abiding by rules and regulations as set by state or federal agencies in support of Medicare, Medicaid, Federal Employees Program (FEP), and other related programs.

Code of Business Conduct & Violation Reporting:  Cambia suppliers must comply with our Supplier Code of Business Conduct. Any supplier that has knowledge of actual or potential violations of applicable laws and regulations, terms and conditions of the supplier agreement, or Code of Business Conduct should call our Ethics and Compliance Resource Line at 1-888-384-3577. Cambia strictly enforces a non-retaliation policy, protecting those who, in good faith, report suspected wrongdoing.

Gifts and Improper Payments:  Cambia employees may not accept honorariums, cash equivalents or gifts that influence business decisions. All accepted gifts must be reasonable and moderate in the context in which they are offered, and have a value of less than $200. An improper payment to gain advantage in any situation is never acceptable, and it exposes an individual and Cambia to possible criminal prosecution. Cambia prohibits improper payments, such as bribes or kickbacks, in all business dealings. This same standard applies to any business we might conduct with a foreign entity, even if such payments might be customary or legal in that country.

Accurate Records:  Cambia relies on suppliers to make sure that records are true, accurate and complete based on Cambia policy and any applicable contractual, legal and accounting standards. You should create, retain and dispose of Cambia's records only in compliance with the Records Management and Retention policy. You must not withhold information from or mislead or improperly influence Cambia's internal or independent auditors, legal counsel, Ethics and Compliance officers or others acting in a similar capacity on behalf of Cambia.

Government-Related Contract Addendums

Cambia requires all suppliers who are providing goods or services as part of certain government programs to abide by the applicable below Addendums.

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Qualified Health Plan Program Integrity Rules for Delegated and Downstream Entities Addendum v. 04.2016.pdf

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 Federal Employee Program Flow-Down Addendum (Commercial) v. 07.2023.pdf

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 Federal Employee Program Flow-Down Addendum (Non-Commercial) v. 07.2023.pdf

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 Medicare Compliance Addendum_4.2022.pdf

Invoices & Payments

Cambia requires most purchases to be made via a purchase order. Invoices will not be paid unless the purchase order is in place and referenced on the invoice. Invoices that do not accurately reflect purchase orders will be returned to the supplier for correction before payment.

To ensure your invoices are paid on a timely and accurate basis, include the following information on all invoices:

  • Purchase order number, if applicable
  • Breakdown by line to match the appropriate purchase order lines, quantity, amount, shipping/handling, and applicable sales tax
  • Total amount due
  • Supplier name and remittance address
  • The word "Invoice" clearly visible at top of the page
  • Date
  • Unique invoice number (different from your previous invoices)

Invoices should be submitted to: invoice@cambiahealth.com (please list the supplier name in the subject line).

Contact Information

  • Ethics questions and anonymous reporting:  1-888-384-3577
  • Ethics e-mail: eco@cambiahealth.com  
  • Payment inquiries:  PayablesINQ@cambiahealth.com
  • Other supplier inquiries: procurement@cambiahealth.com